Sunday, September 7, 2008

2nd round of chemo and I am bald

Just when I got my strength back! Just when I got my taste buds back! It was time for me to take another round of chemo. June 6th and I am sharp again. I have on a jean pants suit, funky hat and funky gold heal!

My class mate and one of my former coworkers + adopted big sister were jockeying to bring me lunch. My adopted big sister won out so my high school class mate said she had next.

Now again , I had to try to remember to take my regiment of medicine! A set before chemo, a set during chemo and a set after chemo and for 2more days after that.

OK this is how it rolls the first set is called: dexamethasone , I would take this medicine 1 tablet 2 times a day before chemo, the day of chemo and the day after chemo.

Next...if my labs were good I would take the Emend the day of chemo, day after chemo and the day after that.

I would than start to take the Zofran around the clock every 8 hours for 2 to 3 days after I have finished the Emend and Dex. All of these medicines are to combat the nausea that chemo causes. With out these medicines, my times would be worst and they were bad enough!

So my labs were good and I got an opportunity to read my book, listen to my ipod and visit with my girlfriends who came by!

While getting the chemo it was a good experience. I did not hurt, I ate junk and drank juice. It was cool. Than I went home. I laid on the couch and started to feel weak.

Earlier that week I had made some sloppy joe (turkey). I also made lemon fried chicken. So I decided to have leftover sloppy joe. Bad mistake. It sat on my stomach like a log. I got so sick , I forgot to take my Emend on Sunday.

Baby, that was the worst mistake. Because once you forget the Emend and get sick, you are ass out.

Man, I thought I had died and gone to hell! Nothing relieved me. I was nauseated , however I could not throw up. I just laid there on the couch and withered.

Now you remember I said that I would remember to take my medicines on time. Well it is easier said than done.

The difference this time around, was the recovery was quicker. Instead of 1o days, it took 6!

Now it was time to return to Tori Spelling would say Oy!

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