Sunday, September 7, 2008

Like Buttah Baby

The next day, I was washing my hair in the shower with baby shampoo. This is what they recommend that you use. I do not know why, but hey what a great advertisement for baby shampoo.

Anywho, I am washing a way and than it comes. I can feel a slip. Like there is not grip in my hair, it is short but not that short.

I feel skin...

I jump out of the shower and I scream for T. He is like what is going on. I look in the mirror and baby a good 5 inches of my hair is gone from the right side of my head.

I mean it is gone. When I was washing my hair, it moved with my fingers like a hot knife through was gone. It was also pink. The big ass spot in my head was pink. Pink with moles. Who knew. I thought it would be the same color as my face. Pecan Tan...nope it was pink and spotty!

I did not know how to feel. It was sad and funny all at once. I mean ha, ha, funny. Not like odd funny. I started to laugh and cry at the same time.

Than for some reason T and I started to argue. I do not even remember why we argued , but he pissed me off and I decided to go out. Now mind you this was the first time I had driven more than 6 miles since middle of March and it was now the 1st of June.

I wanted to go get some Chinese food and not just any Chinese food I wanted PF Changs. I also did not want anyone to take me. I wanted to drive so I did. I put on a hat to hide my the big ass bald spot in my head and I rolled.

I went all the way to PF Changs in VA Beach. About 25 miles one way. So that is about a 50 mile trip. No problem, remember I am super duper woman! I can do anything. Yeah right!

I went out there and I had lemon chicken , white rice and a lemon drop martini. Hey girl has got to get a drink in when she can! It was good, very good. I than turned around and came home.

By the time I got home I was exhausted, mentally, physically, exhausted. Exhausted to the point of pain. The point of pain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omg! you look so cute with no hair! you have a very nice shaped head! My mom was cute too, she didn't loose all her eyelashes- she had mega chemo! inflammatory breast cancer is what she had.. she looked so androngen - you look very feminine and I'm so glad you didn't wear a wig on your wedding day! I love massaging bald heads....