Friday, September 5, 2008

Short and sassy and then we start to shed!

About 2 weeks after my first chemo, my head started to shed. I had my hair dresser cut it short about a week before chemo and than I had T's barber cut it again after my first chemo.

So it was pretty short and cute.

As I was not working at the time, I had the had a project. I had to get rid of the fence in the back, it was old and torn up. T as always wanted to wait, he has a terrible procrastination drives me CRAZY.

I did not want to wait. So we started the project! We went back and forth to home depot for about a week. We finally got all the stuff on Memorial Day weekend.

While in Home Depot getting some odds and ends. While I was waiting in line I started to rub my head. Now this was not unusual since I cut my hair, I had to rub it. Had to just seemed to call my hand.

Anywho, I rubbed for the 100,000th time and this time around I noticed there was something in my hand. Oops it was hair. Quite a bit of hair in my hand.

I looked around to see if anyone else noticed that my HAIR had come OFF in my hand. Nope, it was unnoticed and since I am really ghetto. I dropped it on the floor and kicked it under the counter. (heheheh)

Than I went home and told T my hair was shedding.

I than called my girlfriend from Suffolk., who is creating a chronological journey for me in photographs. She thought of this idea! I thought it was great and since my last surgery, she has been coming over at least once a month to take pictures of the missing/growing TATA and what ever we deemed to be important.

She also brings her lovely and very intelligent 12 year daughter , who I adore as well to visit.

Well I called. I said T (she is also a Terry..but we call her Terry P to distinguish from my T---ahh so confusing) you got to come by, I got my hair cut short, got my wigs and my hair is shedding. She came ready with the camera and took pictures.

She took pictures of me in my 3 wigs ( do not think she liked to many of them, neither did her daughter ) . No harm no foul..I kind of liked them.

1 comment:

Waldo Jaquith said...

Amber and I just had a good laugh over you at the Home Depot. :) And, I have to admit, at the discovery that your scalp isn't the uniform shade that you thought it was. :)

I was about to complain about the lack of photos, but then I noticed the picture of you in the sidebar. I'd be lying if I said that you look as good bald as you do with hair, but I'll tell you, it's a real close second! And there's certainly no reason why anybody who doesn't know you would look twice at you—you look totally normal.