Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chemo, chemo when do I start chemo

I had to wait 4 weeks before I could start chemo. I had a nurse for about 20 days, as I had a drain in my side and I could not wash myself or really care for myself with out help. T was working more and really could not do it. So I had a nurse who came in once a day to check my wounds (stitches) and make certain my drain was working well.

The nurses where great...guard dog Bootsy B. Bear was on point. He barked loudly at everyone and than loved them up. After I was discharged from the nurse, I was restless...hated being in the house, hated being on heavy drugs for I started to take Tylenol like no body's business and percecet. I would alternate.

Well ...I would soon see that did not work well.

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