Friday, July 4, 2008

Save the TATA take 2

I was out for about 2 weeks. Just getting back on my feet and had decided to cut the TATA loose.

Well, I decided to share my decisions for my friends, family and coworkers.

For some folks you would have thought I was going to kill somebody important or something was going to drop from the sky.

For example:
  1. "I want you to think this over carefully. This could cause you great emotional distress in your life. "
  2. "I was up all night thinking about your decision. I had to call you and just talk to you again."
  3. "Think long and hard. You will not have a breast. You will have to live with this decision for the rest of your life. This could impact you forever. "
  4. "Girl I would just get rid of that tittie. Who needs it?"
  5. "Cut it off. Shoot cut them both off !"

Let me just tell you opinions are like ass holes everyone has one. My God it is just a tittie. I found my self, calling my coworkers......who were with the save the TATAT crowd. The group who was waving a flag for the TATA. SAVE THE TATA...seemed to the be talk of the day...My God you thought I was saving the Hope diamond.

Anywho, I listened and than I did what I do best. I researched the reexcision. Shoot I read medical journals that provide me with information of the probabilities that the reexcision would come out with clear margins. I had a 70% chance. I like the odds.

So I chose to save the TATA. The save the TATA crowd was ecstatic. Ecstatic. Man, they told me I made the right decision. I would not regret it. They were planning parties. Man it was cool

So two weeks , on another Thursday. I will have a date with Dr. B to save the TATA.

Now Dr. B. is cool, but he is honest and he wanted me to know that this may not give me clear margins. He said as long as I was ok with it , he would do it. I said I know I will play the dice and let the chips fall where they may.

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